Saving the World with My Free Spirit and my Diamondback!

Saving the World with My Free Spirit and my Diamondback!

March 21, 2011

Happy Monday

     Hello my faithful followers!  I hope you all had an awesome weekend.  My apologies for the lack of posting over the weekend.  I didn't have anything fun or educational to post...  I actually have some bad news to report.  I drove my car on Friday!  Not because I wanted to, but because I don't think my body is ready for a 70+ mile bike ride.  I'll get there someday!  But I'm not there yet.  I drove down to S.D. to see my bestie, Tara!  We had a junk food binge blasty blast and OD'd on bead shopping.  It was great!

     Yesterday this awesome lady hooked me up with some FREE bicycle scrapbook paper because it had a couple tiny push-pin holes in it.  Pretty awesome.  I can't wait to start scrappin' once I get some more pictures! 

     Well, it's raining today, so I'm not sure if I'll be out much at all.  Hopefully it clears up so I can get out there!  Either way, I'll try to be better about my daily posts.  Take care, everyone!  Until next time...

Happy Cycling!


asiff206 said...

I heard you got some new tires!!! Looks like the sun is peeking out!

cbsavestheworld said...

My tires are so awesome! This cute guy put them on for me, too! ( ;