Saving the World with My Free Spirit and my Diamondback!

Saving the World with My Free Spirit and my Diamondback!

March 18, 2011

Bicycle Commuters

     Well hello there!  I unfortunately have no cycling stories for you today.  Yesterday I walked to my dad's house instead of riding, mainly to give my legs a rest!  They still hurt.  But I am not discouraged! 

     I wanted to inform you of something I recently learned about called the  Bicycle Commuter Benefit Act.  In a nutshell, you tell your employer you're a bicycle commuter, you get $20.00 a month to cover bicycle related expenses.  Now, since it is a federal tax credit, it will more than likely take a while to jump start those payments, but still, it's a start!  Here's a couple links to take a look at that will explain it much better than I did.

     The second one has a lot of legalish jargon, but the content is good and touches on a lot of great points.  This federal tax credit is just another great reason to commute on a bike, and it's great because the government is recognizing it's importance!  $77,000,000,000 annual savings on health care costs?  Sign me up! 

On a completely different note, here is a picture I saw on a bike discussion forum yesterday.  Cracked me up!  I am in no way taking credit for this photo, I did not take it, nor am I in it.  It's just freakin' hilarious and I had to post it!
If you've seen Charlie the Unicorn you can appreciate this.  If you haven't, youtube it right now.  Please.

I hope you all have a great day!  Happy Cycling!


asiff206 said...


cbsavestheworld said...

We're going to Candy Mountain, Chaaaarrrrlie!