Saving the World with My Free Spirit and my Diamondback!

Saving the World with My Free Spirit and my Diamondback!

October 21, 2012

Losing a wallet

Losing a wallet can be a real pain in the ass.  Especially when your driver license is in it, and especially when you work on a military base and don't want to/can't afford to pay for the "driving-without-your-license" ticket.  I don't have time for that!  It is far easier to spend an hour each way getting to and from work (or school) than to get pulled over, get the ticket, go to the DMV, get the new license, go to the courthouse (that happens to only be open when I'm at work), prove that I have a license, and go on my merry way.  Anyhoo... I'd like to take a moment to point out the positive things that happen when you lose your wallet:
  • Forced exercise = losing weight
  • Burning an extra 1,000 calories makes you not give a rip about what you eat, and you still lose weight
  • I get to watch the sunrise from my bicycle seat everyday
  • I'm always at the front of the line at red lights
  • I appreciate red lights now because I can catch my breath and take a coordinated sip of water
  • I'm obviously saving money by riding my bike
  • I'm saving CO2 from being released into the atmosphere
  • My neon is getting a much needed break from the daily grind
  • Food in the house that would have probably not been eaten is getting eaten to replenish calories
  • It's oddly entertaining to see how douchey motor vehicle drivers can be
  • I get to shower at work and save even more money
  • I sleep better at night from all the exercise (or is it from exhaustion?)
  • My legs are slowly morphing into pistons, rock hard pistons (ok, that was slightly exaggerated)
  • My cycling gear is getting put to good use
  • I have waterproof panniers (?) to keep my clothes nice and dry
I think that once I get my license back I'll still try to ride a majority of the days of the week.  Probably not nights that I have class and hubs doesn't, because that's a crappy ride home solo. 

In other news:  Rose went on her "first" bike ride today... and she wants to go back for more!  Well, after her hind quarters recover.  We rode the trail to the beach and back.  It was pretty fun!  If you'd like to contribute to her buke fund, click the donate button and I'll make sure it gets to her bike! 

Before I go, here's a couple random tid-bits:  AARON IS AWESOME BECAUSE HE TOOK ME TO SEE CARRIE UNDERWOOD LAST NIGHT, and we saw a sweet little orange cat at the pool/jacuzzi area tonight.  What's up little orangekitty?

Here are some pix from our ride today... Enjoy!

Happy Cycling!!

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